My brick Edwardian in the core turned 100 in 2019, and the final restoration I would finally undertake was going to be the cellar. Thirty years earlier, I had the cellar dry-walled with four finished rooms, however It seemed correct on the 100th anniversary to take it all back to the bones and restore the floor to it's original intention.
Naturally when one uncovers walls in any vintage house, surprises await. I was prepared for this. The electrical was key to the restoration, and I wanted someone who appreciated the requirement for high calibre finish.
Matt is a fine man who went about the work with that steady hand you expect from someone rurally raised but broadly educated. Reviewing his part in the project only brings pleasure since there wasn't a single consideration overlooked. His suggestions were definitely valuable and often utilized.
Subsequently, I have only used MC Electric on other projects where electrical has been involved. I would offer up a few more shots of Matt's work, but only one picture is permitted.