All West services our furnace and gas fireplaces annually. About 5 years ago another furnace company tried to sell us a new furnace. They also told my mother-in-law she needed a new one as well. We called All West for. amsecond opinion and they told us there was nothing wrong with our furnace other than a new motor belt and if it was serviced regularly it would keep running for years. And it has! My mother-in-law hasnt had to replace hers either and All West services her furnace annually. They have always been porompt courteous and honest. The person the other company sent wasnt dressed in work clothes, had only a couple of tools and spent 2 minutes looking at the furnace before announcing we needed a new one. When my husband asked him specific questions about the existing furnace he was very vague-didnt seem to be able to answer and seemed only to want to talk about a new one. When asked how much we would save per month with a new furnace he suggested a couple hundred dollars ( our gas bill is only $65/month - we have a 2500’sqft house, good windows and well-insulated). Even if we saved 75% of our gas bill - which is much much more than the efficiency dara for new furnaces suggests- at that rate a new furnace would