Air testing in one of the bedrooms
LEAP Management Inc. is an environmental consulting company specifically focused on helping residential clients with their environmental needs. We have a thorough understanding of indoor environments, building structure and potential hazards that can affect your health and housing value.
Are you planning a renovation in the near future? It is important to sample older building materials such as plaster, drywall, vinyl floor tile, vinyl sheet flooring, ceiling tiles, pipe insulation, duct insulation and vermiculite attic insulation for asbestos content prior to demolition to prevent asbestos fibers from becoming airborne and causing a health hazard. We can help you safely begin your renovation project.
Are you experiencing allergic symptoms such as itchy, water eyes, sore throat, headaches, cough and runny nose when you’re at home? You may have hidden source of mould growth, which may be affecting your health. We can help you identify and safely remove mould growth.
Are you thinking of buying an older home, but are worried about potential environmental issues? We can provide an environmental inspection of your home to identify potential issues that you may encounter (mould, asbestos, lead-based paints, vermiculite, UFFI).
LEAP has only qualified professionals with backgrounds in environmental engineering, microbiology and mycology, experienced in environmental consulting to assess your environmental problems and to provide you with practical environmental solutions in a language you understand.