The uptown Niche located on the first floors is not a space that can be used as described for computer desk, sitting area, it is just a hallway leading to the stairs, so beware od thaat description. The Inspector that visited my house to check everything was done to the building code seemed very thorough and professional. On visiting the customer service trailer I notiiced she was one of the customer service workers? and thereafter proved herself to be almost unresponsive when I spoke to her, it was like talking to a wall. Hilary on the other hand is very helpful, very hard job , as she contacts the contractors to call me they never do!!!!!!! My carpet bereber looks like a unravelling ball of wooll a total disaster, two clowns came out to take a llook and disappeared without expiination, very frustrating all round, kitchen company did not come out on said date to fix trim (waited in all day) waiting to hear Adams carpets, (Iwas tolle by customer service there is a 95% chance they will not do anything) waiting waiting, on site contractors overworked, or think its all a joke, this is my home I sweated blodd to get a home for my daughter and myself Its not a joke to leave people hanging, just come and fix my screen door it will only take you the time of a tea break!!!!! Holmes on Holmes where are you, he was in Burlington 2011 why not Waterdown........