Centra Windows, Exteriors, Restorations

Windows & Doors Installation & Service
Langley City BC V1M 3G1
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Linda in Vancouver
Linda in Vancouver
1 review Kelowna, BC


We would like to thank the following fellows for providing a quality product, attention to detail, respect for us and our property and just all around great service....Jake L., Bryan R., Bryan W., Sam, Glen, Peter and Dennis.
L Townsend

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Company Response

Hi Linda,

Thank you so much for the review! I am sure Jake I., Bryan R., Bryan W., Sam, Glen, Peter, and Dennis I. who will be so pleased to hear that you are happy with their work. Enjoy your new windows and don't forget about our friends and family referral program if you refer a friend or family member to Centra we will send you a cheque for $200 for every referral that turns into a sale.

Thanks again,

Michael Weinell – Customer Experience Agent, Centra Windows Inc.