Centra Windows, Exteriors, Restorations

Windows & Doors Installation & Service
Langley City BC V1M 3G1
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HomeStars  >  Windows & Doors Installation & Service in Richmond  >  Centra Windows, Exteriors, Restorations  >  Replaced all windows and patio doors and enlarged some windows
Terry in Nanaimo
Terry in Nanaimo
1 review Nanaimo, BC

Replaced all windows and patio doors and enlarged some windows

We replaced and or enlarged all our windows and two patio doors. The guys from Centra Windows were efficient and friendly. Finished the work on time and within the original estimate. Our windows/doors look and work beautiful. We highly recommend Centra Windows. Great service, excellent product and workmanship .

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Company Response

Hi Terry,

Thank you so much for the review! We are pleased to hear the installers were efficient and friendly. Enjoy your new windows! I see I do not have to remind you about our referral program; we really appreciate you spreading the word about Centra and sharing your experience.

Thanks again, Serena Kragh – Customer Care Receptionist, Centra Windows Inc.