Centra Windows, Exteriors, Restorations

Windows & Doors Installation & Service
Langley City BC V1M 3G1
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Wayne Shah in Kelowna
Wayne Shah in Kelowna
1 review Kelowna, BC

Windows and Doors replacement.

I was not present for the replacement but my wife was there. She was very impressed by the installers that Centra sent. I would get home late every day and saw the work that was done and I was also very impressed. They did the job in good time and left the site very clean. We are both really happy with the work that was done. Our old windows and doors were 42 years old and use to freeze up in winter. I can't wait for this winter to see the difference, can even notice a big change since being installed. I would thoroughly recommend this company to anyone. Our installers were Glenn, Bryan and Mike.

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Company Response

Hi Wayne,

Thank you so much for your review. I will pass the message on to Glenn, Bryan, and Mike who will be happy to hear you described their work to be very punctual and clean. Enjoy your new windows and doors! Don't forget about our friends and family referral program if you refer a friend or family member to Centra we will send you a cheque for $200 for every referral that turns into a sale.

Thanks again, Serena Kragh – Customer Care Receptionist, Centra Windows Inc.