Centra Windows, Exteriors, Restorations

Windows & Doors Installation & Service
Langley City BC V1M 3G1
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Angela Bugarin from Surrey
Angela Bugarin from Surrey
2 reviews Surrey, BC


I went to a Centra Saturday morning seminar, never did I think I would be spending a weekend morning listening to a talk on windows. I am glad that I did though...
I learned so much, and realized that sometimes paying a little more for something is worth it.
Their windows arent the cheapest but the quality is quite impressive as well as the knowledge from the sales people. I was very pleased.

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Company Response

Hi Angela, thanks so much for your review! It's surprising how interesting the seminar is! Glad we could help you learn a little more to make an informed decision. We always strive to give our customers the best value and I'm glad to hear this is what you experienced. Thanks again! Erin McClelland, Marketing Assistant, Centra Windows Inc.