UPDATE: Our operations manager George Armstrong visited both Sandra and her neighbour (who shares the mutual driveway) in-person following this storm, and the following issues were brought to his attention: Delayed response time, lack of attention when piling snow, and also minor damage to an eaves trough hanging over the driveway during a previous event. These issues were brought forward after a storm which dumped nearly 2 feet of snow on some areas in Toronto. Unfortunately, the timing and sheer amount of snow did not allow us to be at her property until about 16 hours after the snowfall stopped (when usually we would have performed service within 12 hours). The piling was not done to her specifications, however during a 2-foot snowfall, it is very difficult to find room to pile the snow. To help alleviate Sandra's concerns, we fixed the eaves trough on the spot, scheduled a personal meeting with the crew which services their property, and also refunded 33% of the contract's value to her and her neighbour. We also continued servicing her property as agreed for the remainder of the season, and no further issues were brought forth by the homeowners. As the owner of Monster Plowing Co, I personally regret any inconvenience we caused to Sandra and her neighbour during that very large storm, but I believe that once it was brought to our attention, we handled the situation admirably, fairly, and promptly. In return for our prompt delivery of improvement, Sandra did promise to update her review, and to change it from the "0" rating that she left, as she personally admitted, "in haste," however this promised update has yet to be posted. We did, however, hold up our end of the bargain, and hope to have Sandra post, as she explicitly promised, an updated review soon.