Reliance Home Comfort

Heating & Air Conditioning
Toronto ON M2J 4P8
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HomeStars  >  Heating & Air Conditioning in Burlington  >  Reliance Home Comfort  >  Terrible customer service and assistance after contract signed
Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Mississauga, ON

Terrible customer service and assistance after contract signed

From the very beginning the experience was terrible, a one day quoted installation took 3 days in the middle of a heat wave. Extremely poor communication from sales rep, customer service team and management.

Even after the installation issues the system installed is still not working properly and promises of management reaching out have gone unfulfilled.

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Company Response

Hello, I am sorry to hear that you have had a troubling experience. If you would please email your account details, and a further description of your situation, I would be happy to help. Thank you, Karen –