Modern Appliance

Appliance Repair
Toronto ON M2H 2X1
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Repair in Markham  >  Modern Appliance  >  Dishwasher Repair
Susan Stacey from Toronto
Susan Stacey from Toronto
7 reviews Burlington, ON

Dishwasher Repair

Peter answered my call, and told me what needed to be done on the phone. I texted the model and he gave me a quote. He was prompt, courteous and very COVID-19 aware. He also repaired a leaky hose while he repaired the dishwasher. This saved a plumber repair call. I highly recommend this company.

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Thank you so much for that glowing review!!!
I truly appreciate your business and especially clients like yourself
I look forward to working with you in the future
Thank you again for your support