Air Legend Inc.

Heating & Air Conditioning
Milton ON L9T 3Z3
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James from Scarborough
James from Scarborough
6 reviews Scarborough, ON

Install a new furnace

in Oct. 2023, based on my previous enquiring, also I checked the Home Star's scores, reviews and price, I made a decision to ask the Air Legend to install a new Lenox ML296V furnace for me. Three days late, two technicians come to my home on time, after 4 hours, they make the job done. Up to now, the furnace have been running 6 weeks smoothly, no any problem, the machine is in very low noise, much better then my old one. I am very satisfied with company's job.

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Company Response

Dear James,

We understand how important it is to do your research on the company you're choosing to trust with your home's major appliance. We pride ourselves in our customer service as well as well as our professional technicians to ensure you have the best experience. Thank you for doing your part in choosing a trustworthy HVAC company, and we are delighted to have been able to work with you and complete your project successfully. It is a pleasure to see happy customers such as yourself! We wish you and family a lovely, warm and safe holiday season ahead.

Kind regards,
Air Legend team.