Handyman Kwik Solutions

Handyman Services
Toronto ON M2L 2J2
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HomeStars  >  Handyman Services in Maple  >  Handyman Kwik Solutions  >  Various fixit and home improvement projects
Philip Jessup
Philip Jessup
20 reviews Toronto, ON

Various fixit and home improvement projects

We hired Sam to fix plumbing fixtures, remodel two closets with vinyl flooring and gypsum board, install interior door "baby" gates to control pet movement, and build a cat sandbox for you know what in our backyard. He was efficient, creative, cheerful, procured all materials, and presented us with a reasonable bill. He will be coming back for sure! Even our yappy spaniel liked him! Book in advance. His reputation proceeds him!

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Company Response

Thanks Philip for your lovely review I hope to see you soon in next project.