Window Blinds Direct

Formerly Solar Window Fashions
Shutters & Blinds
Vaughan ON L4L 3P6
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0 reviews Toronto, ON

Window blinds for condo

We are very happy with the installation of our new blinds and the adjustment made to the blind in one of the bedrooms. Charles was extremely patient, switching backwards and forwards between the two possible ways of dealing with the imperfections of the window and wall. He explained everything and we understood that short of rebuilding the condo a small misalignment was unavoidable. We are really enjoying the blinds and are delighted with how they look and with the excellent service we received.

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Company Response

Thank you Angela for your amazing review. We appreciate you taking the time to tell others about your experience. It's reviews like yours that make us strive to provide the best customer service. Thanks again for your trust and business!