On The Money Home Inspections

Home Inspection
Calgary AB T2Y 2K4
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HomeStars  >  Plumbing in Calgary  >  On The Money Home Inspections  >  FAILURE TO DETECT NATURAL GAS LEAK INSIDE HOME
Chantal Leroux in Calgary
Chantal Leroux in Calgary
1 review Cochrane, AB


Jeremy claims my home did not have a natural gas leak upon inspection when it in fact did.

Jeremy notes in a Google Review response (October 25th, 2018) that he did notice a smell in my basement reminiscent of a “light pet urine smell or a musty smell”. Jeremy neglected to make note of this smell in the 70 page report he submitted to me in an email on 3:17 pm which was LESS THAN 45 minutes after he had left my home. If this smell was not natural gas then why would my basement no longer have this ‘urine or musty’ smell IMMEDIATELY AFTER the BBQ gas line which originates inside my home, was abandoned? The real issue is that Jeremy neglected to follow ALL of the gas lines in my basement which, again, are visible for anyone to see.
Jeremy neglects to take any ownership of how he overlooked following gas lines in my basement. If he were to follow the yellow gas lines, with his sensitive gas sniffing device (he details in his response in the Google review), then the natural gas leak would have most definitely been picked up. Again – I did not realize gas lines were yellow and learned this when the ATCO technician came to my home to seek out the natural gas leak (which was present at the home inspection on May 2nd, 2018) which took less than five minutes.
Jeremy states in his response I had a contractor doing work at my home (as a result of some exposed foam insulation he claims HE pointed out during the inspection). This is absolutely a mistruth and I implore Jeremy to do the review of my inspection again. He did NOT find exposed foam insulation and I did not have a contractor in my home preforming this work. I do not know where he got this one....
I am curious if he even remembers completing my inspection as again – there were approximately 45 minutes from leaving my front door in Cochrane, AB to Jeremy submitting a 70 page report of an inspection he claims surpasses the CAHPI standards. The inspection was just short of $480 and after I have completely read this report, I notice that MOST of the report is ‘point and click’ pictures, assertions of limitations of his home inspection and advice for future care. Advice for air conditioners and other home features I DO NOT HAVE. Pages and pages of irrelevant items detailed as this is an almost complete template he uses for every home. Please do not take credit for compiling a 70 page report that details any more than 20% of items I would be concerned with regarding the state of my home on May 2nd, 2018.
I am curious if Brenda, my CIR realtor, will ever admit SHE was the FIRST one who breathed the word ‘gas’ in my basement during my first showing of the home as she did think it smelled badly and said she could not identify the smell. Ill never forget the comfort I felt when Brenda assured me that Jeremy would detect the smell and “figure it out”. Brenda said “I did not smell rotten eggs” when I recently asked her about the smell she smelled in my basement on the first showing and during the inspection. I know my realtor and Jeremy have a convenient referral system lined up so I doubt she will EVER ADMIT to saying she queried smelling gas. ZERO protection from On the Money Home Inspections. ZERO accountability. ZERO care about customer’s well-being. It seems there a 50% Cover Your Butt and 50% Pride policy in effect here. Putting your life in someone's hands with excessive pride and the inability to say they made a mistake can be a VERY costly mistake.
Brenda asserted her confidence in you, Jeremy, and said YOU WOULD FIGURE THE SMELL OUT. I do not claim to be a home expert!!!! And yes, it is true! I often smelled whiffs of gas when my window was open in the living room which is next to my outdoor BBQ which I thought was normal. Jeremy’s response attempts to make me look foolish as he claims I smelled the gas leak for months without doing anything. I was under the impression that if I smelled gas downstairs near my furnace or water heater that THIS would signify an issue and therefore I would then call ATCO. Because JEREMY NEGLECTED TO TELL ME THAT THERE WAS A GAS LINE UNDERNEATH MY DECK, I thought the natural gas smell was linked to my self-contained BBQ tank or perhaps gas from my fireplace as I could see the pilot light on. If Jeremy completed a FULL and detailed inspection of my home, he would have told me that I had a natural gas line that leads outside. He would have followed the natural gas line to the outside of the home and noticed that there was indeed a gas leak. Because I trusted Jeremy to be a competent professional, capable of following visible gas lines in my basement (especially when there has been a complaint by the prospective buyer around the smell) I am now made to feel like I did not act on something that I was not fully aware of.
BEACAUSE I HAD NOT BEEN AWARE I HAD A GAS LINE IN MY BASEMENT THAT LED TO THE OUTSIDE OF MY HOME, I DID NOT ACT ON GETTING THIS LINE CHECKED. Again – I trusted Jeremy to have checked ALL the locations in my home that are fueled by natural gas. As I did not know I had this gas line, I did not touch it or tamper with the line as I DID NOT KNOW IT WAS THERE. Perhaps the last owners had their BBQ hooked up and it was damaged when they disconnected their BBQ. I am unsure.
My family and friends DID NOTE that they smelled gas in the home. I fiercely defended the inspection and told them that the smell was in the basement but was NOT GAS. I trusted the inspection and often was upset with my family when they said the smelled gas because I KNEW IT HAD BEEN INSPECTED. I told my concerned family that the smell was just a musty smell in the basement and that “Jeremy from On the Money Home Inspections was VERY thorough and WOULD HAVE CAUGHT THE LEAK!!!!” What an absolutely sickening thing to think about now. The confidence I placed in this inspector is just ridiculous.
Jeremy – I did reach out to you to ask you for a follow up inspection. The fact you said I never contacted you is absolutely ridiculous and not true. I sent you an email asking for you to come and inspect my home on August 28th as I was ill and the symptoms I was experiencing I had researched on the internet said these could be a result of a natural gas leak. Instead of taking the opportunity to come to my home and provide assistance and take the opportunity to provide more education to me, you told me to call ATCO.
Jeremy refers to page 47 of my report that details he recommends I connect with an air quality expert, noting that “of course [I] did not do”. If Jeremy is interested in re-reading page 47 of MY REPORT, he will notice that not here or anywhere is this recommended to me. He did NOT ever mention contracting the services of an air quality expert. This is NOT TRUE AT ALL.
If Jeremy would have followed the gas lines in my basement, WE WOULD BE AVOIDING THIS ISSUE. HIS PRIDEFUL RESPONSES ARE SHORT-SIDED AND HE IS DIRECTING RESPONSIBILITY BACK TO ME…. LET US NOT FORGET I was PAYING for a PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION of my home and expected Jeremy to detect issues!!!!
Because Jeremy neglected to follow the gas line, I could have lost my cats, my home and my life. He does not seem to see that if he had inspected the gas line I would not be ill and he would not have to defend himself or his business.

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Company Response

Updated Response: https://youtu.be/-jDWHDhrO_g This is a video of me using the gas detector and how it works. If you are reading this response you will find the video very interesting.

I apologize to the readers for my tone here but I will not be bullied online by your childish and inaccurate review. Your review has devolved into a complete farce. You’re unhappy I did as promised and worked diligently and quickly to deliver the report to you in ‘less than 1 hour’ EXACTLY as promised? The exposed foam insulation is on PAGE 39 as listed in the original Google review response you reference LOL! Link to screenshot of page 39 here https://instagram.com/p/Bp92g8AhxiC/ . Once again you prove you have never read the report. Why don’t you post a link to the home inspection report so people can read it for themselves? You should honestly be embarrased of your wildly inaccurate review.

""""Jeremy states in his response I had a contractor doing work at my home (as a result of some exposed foam insulation he claims HE pointed out during the inspection). This is absolutely a mistruth and I implore Jeremy to do the review of my inspection again. He did NOT find exposed foam insulation and I did not have a contractor in my home preforming this work. I do not know where he got this one.... I am curious if he even remembers completing my inspection as again – """" ----------Here it is for the 5th time, this info is on PAGE 39 of your home inspection report. If you did not have a contractor cover the exposed foam, than once more, you did not follow my recommendations that protect your safety. We talked about this during the inspection for a good 5 minutes, do you remember? I encourage you to now cover that fire hazard ASAP!

I responded to your initial email promptly solving your issue, then I called you the next morning to follow up to ensure the issue had been resolved and you said everything was fine. The next thing I heard from you was through an ambulance chasing lawyer in Toronto who dropped your case after less than one week because I did everything 100% right and the gross negligence on your part. My accountability will not extend to paying for you to play hooky from work and certainly doesn't extend to people who call me a liar based on their own repeated ignorance.

Original Response:

The home did not have a natural gas leak at the time of the inspection.

The home owners and tenants did not know of a gas leak. No one who viewed the home, nor their realtors or family members or friends, smelled natural gas during any of the showings or they would have told the owner. You and your realtor did not notice the odour of natural gas during the showing, at the inspection, or at the time of possession. You had a contractor doing work (because of some exposed foam insulation I called out for safety reasons) in the basement after the inspection who also did not notice a natural gas smell or would have reported it to you.

I use a very sensitive natural gas detector on every inspection. The link to the details of the unit are here https://www.mybacharach.com/product-view/leakator10/?ref=1821
The unit is self calibrating and has helped me find natural gas leaks both before and after your inspection.

I educated you about the dangers of natural gas leaks and you watched me perform the test. I placed a sticker on your furnace ductwork that informs you exactly what to do and who to call in the even you smell natural gas (which has a distinct rotten egg smell, or sulphur smell, from the Mercaptan additive). There is a photo of this label in your report on page 39,

here is what it reads:

If you smell NATURAL GAS or suspect a natural gas leak, IMMEDIATELY evacuate the property and call ATCO GAS @ 403-245-7222 or call emergency services @ 911

You claim to have smelled natural gas for months and yet did nothing. You didn't follow my recommendations nor did you contact me. When you finally did contact me I immediate advised you what to do next which completely solved the problem for you. Your delay in contacting me/ATCO/fire-department regarding this issue is unfortunate but certainly out of my control.

You were informed, as all of my clients are, that they can alway feel free to contact me with any questions they may have at any time. I also offer a free follow up visit which you did not complete.

There was a light pet urine smell or a musty smell present at the time of inspection for which I recommended you to consult an air quality expert, which of course you did not follow. This recommendation is also in the report on page 47 of the 71 page report should you choose to read it.