We hired Greg and shortly after moving in realized we wished we had gone with our first choice of home inspector.
He failed to tell us about an improperly plumbed in basement sink that proceed to back flow and flood.
He failed to notice that the dryer venting was not even connected to the outside (major fire concern).
He failed to notice that there are two attics in this home and that the one attic had mould issues plus holes in the roofs plywood.
Also failed to notice various drainage issues outdoors.
Update: I do recall him going to all the cold air returns to test them, and he did record no issues in our report, so were we surprised when we recently realized the two bedroom cold air returns were not working (one stuffed with insulation/one not hooked up at all)? Nope.....seems these are things a home inspector would catch, no?
Was he friendly and I suppose knowledgeable...Sure, seemed to be.
Was he thorough...not with our inspection. Would not recommend.