Steam Dry Canada

Duct Cleaning
Edmonton AB T5P 2V1
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HomeStars  >  Carpet & Rug Cleaning & Repairing in Calgary  >  Steam Dry Canada  >  Not sure what this means. Ms. Ruth Lea Taylor re Steam Dry carpet work.
1 review Burnaby, BC

Not sure what this means. Ms. Ruth Lea Taylor re Steam Dry carpet work.

Appalling. Stains still on carpet...only two halls as I could not move everything. I was told the stains were permanent. Over the weekend I got them out with simple Shout it Out and a brush. The carpet is a wall to wall carpet which means one does not throw water on it...the carpet has buckled in three places. The cost at $208.00 is absolutly too expensive. There was only 15 feet of carpet give or take and the job was not appropriately done. Ruth Lea Taylor 3461 Curle Avenue #305 Burnaby

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