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Sonny from Mississauga
Sonny from Mississauga
2 reviews Mississauga, ON

removal of structural wall / steel I beam load calculation, design and drawing

Very competitive price for amazing quality! Pehzman and Arvin both arrived for the initial assessment. It was raining that day, and they advised 30min before the appointment that they feared running late due to weather (although they arrived promptly as scheduled :). Extremely courteous, knowledgeable and professional. They took their time gathering information needed for assessment. After drawing delivery, they made themselves available to myself and my contractors for further discussion and questions. I had not problem getting the drawing approved by the city of Mississauga. Amazing attitude, as Pehzman and Arvin told me "our job is not done until your project is complete". Highly recommend Rigid Frame Engineer Corp. to everyone!

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Hi Sonny. Thank you very much for this great review and recognition. We will take this recognition to further better, improve and maintain a high quality of customer service to all our clients.