Silverback Electric

Port Coquitlam BC V3B 2E9
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HomeStars  >  Electricians in Delta  >  Silverback Electric  >  Your Friendly Neighbourhood Professional Electrician
Ema P.
Ema P.
1 review Coquitlam, BC

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Professional Electrician

Aaron is professional, experienced, honest, and a nice person. I highly recommend him.

He came to fix our chandelier, which was hanging 17 feet from the ground. He suggested we buy a replacement before he does the work, in case it is needed, so he does not have to come back later, and we get charged twice.

It did not take long for him to pinpoint the cause, which did not involve any major work. I found his honesty refreshing, plus he is amiable and personable.

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