Roy Inch & Sons Home Services by Enercare

Formerly Roy Inch & Sons Service Experts
Heating & Air Conditioning
London ON N6E 2Z9
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Gaetan Labbe in Kitchener
Gaetan Labbe in Kitchener
1 review London, ON

Furnace Maintenance

Brandon did a maintenance call to our furnace on 13 October 16. He is a very highly skill technician and performed the maintenance in a timely and professional manner. He also provided many valuable recommendations. He also contacted the main office in order to arrange an appointment date for the possibility for us to upgrade our equipment (furnace and AC) in the spring of 2017.
Very caring, informative and professional young man. Your company is lucky to have such a technician.

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Company Response

Thank you so much for your kind words for Brandon. We appreciate your business and are available 24/7/365 for all your heating and cooling services.