
Duct Cleaning
Whitby ON L1R 2G8
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John P. from Scarborough
John P. from Scarborough
2 reviews Scarborough, ON

Duct Cleaning

Clear and professional guys. Checked my AC and heater coils and told/showed me they were fine and didn't try to up-sell me on work that I didn't need. Talked to us every step of the way and showed us before and after pictures. Highly recommend.

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Company Response

Hi John - Thanks for the positive feedback! Checking your furnace blower and AC coils are part of our standard process and we'll always be 100% transparent about every part of our service. We're glad you chose us to perform our service in your home, should you require additional support, please don't hesitate to reconnect. With your review of our service today, we've added another $10 to our fundraising efforts for victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Thanks! Dave's Duct Cleaning (www.davesducts.com)