
Duct Cleaning
Whitby ON L1R 2G8
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HomeStars  >  Duct Cleaning in North York  >  Davesducts  >  Whole Home Duct Cleaning
Mike from Toronto
Mike from Toronto
2 reviews Toronto, ON

Whole Home Duct Cleaning

Andrew and Mark showed up on time and got right to work. Service was done quite efficiently. They brought the vacuum down the basement stairs which is not an easy task! Provided before and after air quality index readings and pictures to support a job well done. Even though we had our ducts "cleaned" by someone else only a year ago, our ducts were quite filthy especially our return air duct. While we were fortunate enough to have a voucher from an online deal, we feel the full retail price would be well worth it.
Pleasant experience all around.

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Company Response

Hi Mike - Thanks for the positive feedback! In addition to before/after pictures of our efforts, air quality readings are standard with our service. It's important to us that we do our best to improve the indoor air quality of our customers homes and quantitative analysis is a way of accomplishing this. Should you require any additional support in the future, please don't hesitate to reconnect. Thanks! Dave's Duct Cleaning (www.davesducts.com)