Formerly Odd Job Handyman Services
Handyman Services
Toronto ON M6K 2C9
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Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Old Toronto, ON

Odd jobs

Geoff laid flooring, corrected a misaligned door that would not stay open, added a wood strip across the dishwasher to conceal a gap, reinstall a drooping cupboard door, and added missing doorknobs around island, In some instances, the fix was straight forward, but some of these tasks were not that simple.

Geoff demonstrated problem solving skills Where others, including a contractor, were not able to fix that door, Geoff persisted and tried many approaches to solve the problem. Same thing with attaching door knobs . Others just gave up, but not Geoff,

I am very pleased with the work I met a very nice, respectful person from ODDJOBS.CA

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Company Response

We're thrilled to hear about your great experience with Geoff! It's fantastic that he was able to solve those tricky problems that others couldn't, especially with that stubborn door. We're proud of Geoff's problem-solving skills and persistence - that's exactly what we aim for at ODDJOB.CA. Thanks for noticing his respectful attitude too. We really appreciate your business and kind words, and we're here whenever you need us again!