Super Tech Team

Computer Repairs and Support
Richmond Hill ON L4C 7A8
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Helga Stecker from Toronto
Helga Stecker from Toronto
15 reviews Toronto, ON

Computer Issues

Since my computer technician is currently out of the country, I had to find someone else, because my computer would not start. I called Super Tech and Amir came, to assist me. I cannot say enough good things about him. He is very professional, extremely capable and kind. He fixed my problem and even called back a couple of days later, to see, whether the problem reoccurred. I am so thankful to have found him.

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Company Response

Thank you for your kind feedback Ms. Stecker. It was a tricky one but I didn't want to leave you without a computer so I spent an extra amount of time repairing it onsite. My passion is my work, and because of great clients like yourself, I'm able to enjoy my work. Enjoy the beautiful birds!