Redford Electric

New Westminster BC V3M
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HomeStars  >  Electricians in Burnaby  >  Redford Electric  >  Knob & Tube whole House rewired
Wolfgang from Coquitlam
Wolfgang from Coquitlam
1 review New Westminster, BC

Knob & Tube whole House rewired

Robert Redford's Company did an excellent Job on our House rewiring and replacing the knob and tube. I have only good things to say; they were very accurate with the quote that they provided and stayed on budget with the project. We are very satisfied.

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Company Response

Thanks Wolfgang, it was a pleasure working with you and Carrie. And thanks for taking the time to place a review. With the Electrical Service Upgrade and the knob and tube rewiring your house is now ship shape as they say. On another note:
Pauls son is enjoying the Helicopter. If you ever want to clean out some of your stuff ( fishing etc. ) in the basement give me a call.
Robert n Paul