Redford Electric

New Westminster BC V3M
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Gordon K from New Westminster
Gordon K from New Westminster
3 reviews New Westminster, BC

Knob and Tube Removal

Robert Redford Electrical (RRE) sets the standard that all contractors should strive to meet! We met and interviewed a number of Electrical contractors to inspect and repair any electrical issues and most importantly remove any knob and tube wiring in our c1898 home. It became clear very quickly that choosing the right contractor for this type of work is extremely important.

It was clear from the moment that we met Robert that he was well versed in this type of work. This quote was clear and concise and he reassured us that any holes he would have to be made in our walls would be kept to a minimum.
In total his crew only had to make 5 small holes on the main floor which will be easy to repair.

His crew were fantastic, they were both clean cut and very pleasant young men. They arrived on time every morning and put in a full day of work. At the end of each day they cleaned up after themselves and kept us up to date on their progress.

At the end of the project RRE provided us with a letter that we can provide our insurer documenting all the work that was done and that all knob and tube wiring has been deactivated.

We will definitely be using RRE again for any other electrical work we may have, I would recommend RRE to all home owners especially owners of heritage homes who want to remove their old wiring.

Approximate cost of services:
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Company Response

Wow Gordon, Thanks so much for your kind words. I am so proud of my installers that they are able to implement the good service we talk about in our monthly meetings at the office. This is the kind of Review we strive for. It was a pleasure working with you and Kristen on this Project and as I mentioned before your Heritage Home is beautiful and we are proud to be a part of that type of restoration.
Cheers and have a Great Summer
PS: I'll pass the koodoos on to the boys
looks like another Company Lunch for them lol