The Cutting Edge Roofing

Bowmanville ON L1C 0B8
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HomeStars  >  Roofing in Pickering  >  The Cutting Edge Roofing  >  roof, skylight, eavesthrough
Shari Valja from Scarborough
Shari Valja from Scarborough
2 reviews Scarborough, ON

roof, skylight, eavesthrough

We are extremely satisfied with the work done to replace the roof on our house and garage, and installation of a new skylight and eavesthroughs. Robert, the owner, was very knowledgeable, returned calls promptly, and had the work done in a timely manner. The total cost was far superior to other quotes we had, with a higher quality shingle. The team of workers were efficient and cleaned up the site perfectly. 95% of the work was done in a single day, which was very convenient for us. Tracy, the receptionist was also very friendly and helpful. We highly recommend The Cutting Edge for all roofing issues.

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