I hear my neighbours constantly closing their doors- it doesn't matter if they close it lightly. I can hear them running around the house, up and down the stairs. They used green tape to paint- what kind of professional company does this? I see pieces of the tape everywhere in the washrooms/hallways. They stained the stairs and some is on the ceiling but they didn't bother to paint over it. They have taken months to complete the decks, patio, driveway and landscaping. The backyard still is not complete- they started at least in March (it's now Sept). They did the driveway with Asphalt and it's not even smooth. The interlocking was not put in correctly- pieces would fall off the side when stepping which is very dangerous for elderly. Almost twisted my ankle. None of the window screens were put in correctly, all have come off and even the screen door to the balcony was not in properly.
Would never purchase a Haber home again.