Novel Care Inc.

Formerly Air Tech
Heating & Air Conditioning
Richmond Hill ON L4B 1B4
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HomeStars  >  Heating & Air Conditioning in Toronto  >  Novel Care Inc.  >  New boiler installation
Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Toronto, ON

New boiler installation

Very clean, polite and professional technician. Price was very reasonable. Novel care reps showed up ready to work with knee pads on and tools in hand. No need for him to go buy parts because he already had everything that they needed in there van. Best HVAC service/price I have ever had.

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Company Response

Thank you, for placing your trust in Novel Care for your Boiler Replacement. Shwen is a beautiful part of our team, and he's pleased about this review you wrote! Enjoy the saving and comfort of your new Boiler. See you next year for your free annual tune-up & safety inspection.
Best Regards!