Novel Care Inc.

Formerly Air Tech
Heating & Air Conditioning
Richmond Hill ON L4B 1B4
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HomeStars  >  Heating & Air Conditioning in Toronto  >  Novel Care Inc.  >  Ductless heat pump & air conditioner
Alexander in Toronto
Alexander in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Ductless heat pump & air conditioner

Had an awesome time today.. had our Ductless heat pum, air conditioning system installed by two of the most polite and courteous people I have met in a long time. They were very studious when it came to preparing before they did the install, floors were well protected, they were not bothered by all of our questions and made sure that we were totally understanding what was being done and what we were to do afterwards.. best choice ever. Thank you very much Shwan and Andrew for making this experience enjoyab

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Company Response

Thank you for the review, Alexander. We appreciate the business, and we hope you enjoy your new Ductless System!