I contacted Blue Sky fence to install an Ameristar fence to provide a fence betweed the pool and the remainder of the backyard. What followed was one of the worst customer experiences I have ever encountered. Know first that all the work is contracted out and none is done by Blue Sky. I was quoted the above amount for the Ameristar fence, upon installation they substituted the Ameristar gate for one made by them which I assume costs less but had some of the worst welds ever. Upon cutting the fence they proceeded to spray paint cuts etc but upon doing so dripped black paint all over the newly installed concrete which they promptly tood a steel wire brush to destroying the concrete. At the same time they did not take the time to clean up all the metal shaving which after a day or two formed rust stains on the concrete (not able to remove) and those that didn't stay on the concrete blew into our brand new pool staining the brand new white steps. It has now been six months with little resolution to the damage of the brand new concrete as well as the steps. Upon review by the Ameristar representative for Canada the installation was described as "disgusting" and full of "shortcuts". Oh and the fence is crooked in cased the destruction of property was not enough to cement the deal!!!