Adam’s post is an angry fabrication of truths from an individual whom when challenged, became quite indignant & frustrated.
After Adam's new roof was installed & and several attempts to collect payment, Adam called me on Thursday afternoon, to tell me that in his back garden at the west side of his home, several raspberry seedlings were trampled upon & destroyed. These he explained were right next to the rhubarb which also suffered irreversible damage from roofing debris being dropped upon it. I was surprised, to say the least as we are always diligent in protecting gardens, patios, moving furniture etc. I did, however, offer my apologies and asked where the seedlings were purchased. He indicated they were purchased at Terra Greenhouses. I told Adam I would drop a Terra gift card by to him & again apologised. The next day, Friday morning Adam called again, complaining that he had wanted metal vents, not the Duraflo vents we stock & typically install. He further explained that several shingles had come off on the garage roof. He asked if I would come by on Saturday to address his concerns. I told him no, as I was away to the cottage for the long weekend, but could drop by Tuesday morning. I said I would, however, address his concerns immediately. I changed out all the Duraflo vents to metal ones and replaced 4 ridge caps that had not yet sealed & thus had blown off in the previous nights high wind gusts. As evidence in Adams photo the nails are still visible in the roof, showing the ridge caps were in fact installed correctly. I inspected the balance of the roof and found it to be perfectly installed, as usual! Further, Adams concerns were addressed & corrected within an hour of his call to me. How” that for service!
While I was on site I wanted to inspect the damage to Adam's gardens, as this was upsetting to me as well.
What I found surprised me, as Adam professed to be an avid gardener, was a backyard completely unkempt. This was mid May and the grass had yet to be cut, dandelions, weeds & saw grass abounded throughout the yard & gardens. By pulling back the tall saw grass I found the rhubarb had 3 broken stalks. Next to the rhubarb I found 3 raspberry plants which were hardly seedlings, but mature plants with no apparent damage.
I returned to the office & called Adam. I was upset, not arrogant, by the picture Adam had painted of himself, the Gardener, and his yard & gardens, as well the damage & poor roofing job he was claiming. I told Adam I had a look in his gardens, finding 3 broken stalks of rhubarb, mature raspberries with no damage, not seedlings, but mostly a yard & garden so choked full of weeds & grasses, it was impossible for the workers to differentiate.
Adam became quite irate, stating that his backyard is none of my business. I disagreed, stating that his allegations make it my business. He further told me the raspberry seedlings were not next to the rhubarb as he had previously stated, but in fact somewhere else altogether. I asked to come & inspect the damaged seedlings. Adam said there was nothing left to see, as he had dug them into the ground the night before & it was none of my business, again!
Adam called back 2 minutes later to inform me his brother also needed a new roof & he had told his brother not to call Tops Roofing. Several minutes later Adam called again to inform me my workers had left their cigarette butts in his garden. Not surprisingly, Adam called again to just let me know, he would be posting on this site as well as others.
All I can tell you is, I won’t discount my work based on fabrications & lies.
I do excellent work without damage to property & can provide you thousands of references to prove it.
However, I can’t always please everyone all of the time, though I do my best, and every once in a while you just meet one of THOSE people.
Further, my workers, if they smoke at all, certainly do not target vegetable gardens as a suitable ashtray. Again, fact or fiction.
As for Adams yard, photo's available upon request.
Brian Burnett / Tops Roofing Co