Student Works Painting

Paint & Wallpaper Contractors
Markham ON L3P 7P1
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Robert pas content in Ville-Marie
Robert pas content in Ville-Marie
1 review Montreal,

Total inside house painting

Very disapointed ... They left the job without finishing. They did not cover flors, furnitures ( A bed spred ruined whith paint drops, a broken mirror ) After having paid in full ( my mistake ) they disapeard, Now after 6 weeks 4 phonecalls, 3 Emails they never answered nor apoligise for this lack of professionism. I had to contract other painters to finish the job and intend to send them the bill, en even go to " Petites Créances if not setttle ...


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Company Response

Hi Robert, can you please call the head office at 1-800-465-2029 so we can discuss this? We are not sure who you signed the contract with and would like to resolve this. Thank you - Student Works