Student Works Painting

Paint & Wallpaper Contractors
Markham ON L3P 7P1
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Private User reviews Ottawa, ON

Old home refresh & New home "make it mine".

I hired Conrad Smith to assess my home that I was going to sell and tell me what he thought needed to be painted before selling. His suggestions and quotation were reasonable and he was very professional. I hired him and he did an excellent job. So...I hired him to paint my new home. I have to say his schedule flexibility helped my stress levels go down as the other contractors kept switching around their schedules! He once again did an excellent job! I will not hesitate to hire Conrad again, and I will certainly be recommending him! Thank you Conrad!

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Company Response

Hi, thank you so much for letting us know that Conrad and his crew are doing a great job! We appreciate your trust and the fact that you support our entrepreneurs. - Student Works