I had terrible experience with Mississauga Store. My wife order a part and before buying the part asked about the return policy and the store associate mentioned 30 days refund. She was told the part will be available next day.
We went back to cancel the order since we did not need it any more and was informed that there will be 20% restocking fee. We mentioned to them that we asked about refund policy before buying the part and it was never communicated to us. The guy who sold the part was there and as argument started, he just walked away.
The supervisor Jefferey accepted first to refund with 10% restocking which we did not accept. After long argument, he accepted to refund full amount.
As the other associate with rigging, he asked the reason for refund and I told him that they are expensive. The supervisor Jeffery stepped into our conversation and said that I li ed and the refund will be under 20% restocking fee. I got upset with supervisor for blaming about Lyin* g.
The store refused to refund and then pushed us to walk out of the store.
Totally rude staff and bluntly blaming supervisor. It look like they don't care about customer. Rude and blaming staff.