Classic Kitchen Designs

Kitchen & Bathroom - Cabinets & Design
Mississauga ON L4X 1L7
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BLWL in Oakville
BLWL in Oakville
3 reviews Burlington, ON

Absolutely Clueless

If you are reading this review please do not give these people any money! We met the staff of Classic Kitchen Designs at the Home Show in Toronto and all I can say is that they are smooth talkers.

We are in the middle of a full home renovation and living through it. Hot plate here, microwave there and a fridge in the middle of the mess.

After contacting different kitchen companies, my last call was to Shaun at Classic Kitchen Designs. He was into his sales pitch right away and in a way I appreciated he was eager for our business so when I got him our rough measurements for our layout of the kitchen I never thought it was going to turn out so badly.

He went away on vacation, first off telling me it was only for a couple of days, but then it turns out it was for a week. When he got back and called me, we agreed to set up a meeting and come out to his Mississauga location. Odd, considering a designer should be coming out to view the site and confirm measurements, but he had his reasoning.

When we met him, he was again right into his sales pitch telling us how long they have been in business and that they own the factory in Winnipeg, blah blah blah. We sat down and he showed us a mock up of our kitchen. His vision, but it was completely wrong from the get go. He sat with us for about 3 hours in total redesigning the whole thing and finally came up with a good plan. In the middle of the design session, his wife called asking about picking up the kids or something. We didn't think too much of it, but thought oh well life happens and here he is working with us and not home with his family.

After the session was over a couple of days later he sends us a contract and requesting that we pay $1600.00 for the design that he came up with. We were already behind schedule and didn't have time to start looking all over again and thought that this was the best layout as compared to other designers. I paid him the $1600.00 and this is when all the problems started.

We asked for the detailed drawings of the layout and he said he didn't have them as he was waiting to get his installer, or the person that was going to install that we had to pay separately, come to our home and finalize the measurements. After he came, we were to get the drawings withing a day. That didn't happen. Monday morning came and I spoke to Shaun, and we get, I'll have them to you by noon. Didn't happen. Tuesday, came and went, nothing. Wednesday, my wife calls, as he didn't pick up my call and told her by noon. Around 1pm, I receive a call and he tells me that he lost the drawings. I said, "Print another set". He goes on to say that they are hand drawings to scale.

This is where I get suspicious and ask him for 3 references. He tells me when he receives the 40% payment for the order is when I will get references. We did have a meeting scheduled for that days so we kept our meeting believing we would get the drawings.

He greets us all agitated. At that point I turned on my recorder on my phone as I wanted everything verbally documented. Before the meeting started, I looked up a few things about Shaun. Not only does he run Classic Kitchen Designs, he's a Realtor with a Remax. Explains a few things as to why he couldn't take calls or couldn't produce the drawings.

I started the conversation by asking Shaun, if your business in kitchens is so successful, why would you need to be a Realtor as well. His response, "I need two jobs because my wife doesn't work." Really, so when your wife called asking if you could pick up the kids while you were with a client, she was too busy doing what exactly, since she doesn't work!

This next one is classic. He sent us to a local appliance store because he kept insisting that the appliance measurements were wrong. When we arrived and the sales clerk and store manager asked who was asking for the measurements and we told them, they said to not deal with Classic Kitchen Design.

So we returned and Shaun finally produced the drawings on scale paper. Measurements were wrong, it was barely legible. Truly a joke. That was it for me. I asked for a refund and he said there wasn't going to be one.

I contacted Visa and disputed the amount. I finally received a call from Shaun's father, Wes and he left a voice mail message telling me he would refund the money, but went on to explain on his voicemail that maybe there was a mis-understanding and that they don't actually do any designing. So why then did your son charge me for a design.

I have always taken reviews with a grain of salt. Not anymore. After reading some of the reviews I have experienced for myself how terrible a business like Classic Kitchen Design is. They also operated Cabinet Outlet Depot a division of KCC Toronto.

I'm so happy we didn't go any further with them.


Follow-on to Company Response.

Maybe I should post the audio from two recordings on Social Media and let the public decide who was abusive. If I was verbally abusive, why would you want to offer another designer to work with us. Also, I still have your voicemail Wes. The voicemail where you state, "We don't do any design work and there was a mis-understanding. Would you like me to play it back to you?? Read the other reviews.. Mine isn't the only one that gives a low rating. And use what design concept?? It was a chicken scratch and Shaun couldn't figure out how to put a microwave into an island. Hand drawings went out 10 years ago. Ever hear of 2020?? And any design concept was our idea not Shaun's

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Company Response

I'm sorry you felt you had a bad experience in our store and due to this we have refunded you the money on your Visa, even though our agreement with you, which you signed, stated very clearly in bold print, the payment was non refundable & was a retainer for drawings only, which I might add, as you stated were produced on scale paper from measurements which you submitted to us. I feel and believe you may have used us for our design concepts only. Furthermore, I will want to correct one of your statements where you stated I called you and left a voice message. I have never spoken with you or left you a voice mail. I received a call from our office when I was away on vacation stating you had come into the showroom and were exceptionally verbally abusive to Shaun and wanted a refund. I felt I didn't want to have the abusive situation continue and asked one of our other designer's to call you and let you know I would be refunding your money upon my return in about a week, which is what I did,