Avenue Road Roofing

Toronto ON M6B 1P8
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HomeStars  >  Gutters & Eavestroughs in York  >  Avenue Road Roofing   >  Full Soffits,Eaves, Facia and Frieze board
Allan in Toronto
Allan in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Full Soffits,Eaves, Facia and Frieze board

We have a 100+ yr old house that needed some love on the whole soffits/eaves system. ARR came by and gave me the most thorough breakdown of what could and could not happen.

The work was fantastic and meticulous. Tony was the project lead and worked on the project from start to finish ensuring consistency a high degree of craftsmanship. Thanks to Alberto, Johathan and Simon who came to assist Tony. All were courteous, professional and the place was immaculate after every day of work.

The idea to add frieze boarding was a fantastic one and it really brings out the craftsmanship and keeps out those nasty little critters on our stucco house.

Allan B

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Company Response

Thank you so much Allan, we really appreciate the review. We take pride in our work. We are happy to hear everything was satisfactory.
Avenue Road Roofing