

Lynx was hired to install a gate on our property due to the aesthetic appeal of their gate. Installation had a few drawbacks. First the activation sensor that opens the gate when leaving was installed absurdly close to the gate, to the point where the gate would hit your vehicle upon opening. This mistake was fixed causing some damage to my driveway. Second the power cable that runs from the house to the gate needed to be buried underground. This cable is thin and wouldn't require substantial trenching however the employee dug a 2 foot wide 2 foot deep trench along my drive way, destroying my yard and resulting in lawn repair having to be done on my expense. Lastly and most concerning was the in proper installation of the power cable stretching across the driveway, connecting the two motors (one for each side of the gate). This was installed much two shallow to avoid the labor intensive task of trenching. The employee and business was notified that the cable was to shallow as it was protruding from my drive way. An email was sent demanding warranty on the cable since it was obviously not done properly. The condition was accepted and the deal went through. Later when shoveling the snow the cable was struck by my plow and torn, leaving the gate nonfunctional and causing injury through electric shock. When contacting the company for repairs, as previously negotiated Lynx neglected to provide any service.

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