

I reside in a house in a small rural hamlet near Newcastle ON. Three of my neighbours have Polar Bear systems. One system is 20yrs old the others are 10 yrs. Their positive recommendations convinced us to instal a Polar Bear system approx. 10 yrs ago. The only problem that I have had in 10 years was the replacement of the wall mounted Honeywell Thermostat last fall. Polar Bear supplied the unit and It was fixed in 5 minutes. Otherwise my wife and I, and we can speak for our neighbours, have not had any issues with our systems. A while ago a new neighbour was moving into our area and called me for feedback on our heating system. He was going to replace the oil burner and was thinking maybe a heat pump. I referred him to Polar Bear and told him how happy we were with our system. I met our new neighbour at the grocery store the other day and he told me he had gone on the Homestars website to review Polar Bear and their was a strongly negative review. He told me it spooked him and he had not called Polar Bear. I have just read that review and it is in my opinion aggressively negative. That was certainly not mine, or our neighbours experience. I assume Homestars has my email address and I invite them to contact me and I will tell them about Polar Bear's excellent service and their problem free system. I will also refer them to our neighbours.

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