

I’ve used AC a number of times over the last decade. Every single time they’ve provided excellent service from scheduling to onsite work and inspections. They stand behind their guarantees though I’ve never had need to use them (I thought I had a problem and they said it was under warranty at no charge to fix but then we realized there was no problem as it was my operating error). The licensed electricians arrive on time, scope/cost the work up front, work efficiently, are courteous, walk you through the finish work and conclude things well. AC is my go to electrical company. Quite simply, they’re the best! Thanks Kyle for today’s work! B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T!!!

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Company Response

Douglas, thank you so much for writing such a wonderful review on our team! Coming from a customer that we have worked with for as long as we have, reading this review means a lot to us. We always strive to treat each of our customers certeously with the hopes that we can develop a more long term relation. We feel very fulfilled when we see that hard work pay off, so thank you again for taking the time to express your experience with us here! As always, if anything comes up, we would be more than happy to help, we look forward to working with you again in the future!