

OK, normally I wouldn’t post a negative review as I realize what type of impact they can have on a persons business and I fundamentally feel bad. I can no longer stay silent regarding GTA Wiring. I purchased a 65” TV to replace my 40 inch and decided to use GTA wiring as I no longer had the contact details from the person I had used for my 40 inch 11 years ago. I chose GTA wiring based on the positive internet reviews. I needed to mount the TV and decided to also have my 5 speakers mounted that were part of a home theatre-in-a-box system which included a receiver which was also the DVD player/CD player. This also included wire concealment. The good; Sergey arrived on time at 2:30pm as scheduled; the TV seems to have mounted ok as well as the speakers and the job looks relatively neat until you take a closer look. The wires behind the TV stand are still a mess. I paid for concealment and the only reason they are concealed is because I have a TV stand in front of them. The little plastic cover for the speaker wire is popping out as Sergey didn’t have any adhesive so that the cover stays flush to the wall. Also the power cord is hanging from the back of the TV and is visible. While placing the rear channel speaker on the speaker mount he dropped it which cracked the speaker. He offered to pay for the speaker, I declined as the speaker was old and really I don’t know what the replacement value would have been as well as this model is no longer available so how exactly would I replace one speaker from a system that is no longer being manufactured? By this point Sergey had been at my home approximately 4 hours and I just wanted it done as I had plans that night. I provided the TV mount, and the speaker mounts. The total cost was $300 which is what I agreed to. I also provided all the cables and the speaker wire. I had two rolls of speaker wire, one was open and the other was brand new. I had instructed him to start with the package that was already open and if he required more he could open the unopened package as I was going to return it for a refund if it wasn’t required. Now I will say he works quietly and stays out of the way, however a word of advice to Sergey if you have a question, ask, because this avoids any rework. First off he didn't listen and started with the unopened package of speaker wire and I still have 50ft from the opened package. At the end after he stapled the speaker wire to my baseboards he asked where I would like the subwoofer. When I told him, he asked If I could do it on the other side as the wire he had used wasn’t long enough for where I wanted it. Well no, because that’s where my couch goes and why didn’t you ask, instead of assuming? He finally left just after 8pm at approximately 8:15pm. So basically it took him almost 6 hours to complete this. Also, I cleaned up everything myself. All he did was vacuum the drywall dust created from drilling the holes. Tonight was my breaking point in deciding to write this review. When I decided that I want to watch a DVD movie I realized that Sergey did not connect the DVD player to the TV. To summarise: -The wires behind the TV stand are a mess -doens’t listen to instruction -doesn’t ask questions -isn’t prepared (no adhesive for the speaker wire outlets that are now popping out) -doesn’t know how to properly re-connect the TV to the Home theatre -takes too long -Dropped & craked my rear channel speaker I’m done. I will be contacting someone else to fix this as well as purchase new rear channel speakers.

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