

MAY 2016 had a sales person come out to our house measure and give estimate of replacement liner and plastic covers for existing coping. Sounded good, reputable company so we proceeded to go into the store pay for everything upfront and pick liner patter and coping colour. Liner then wasn't installed until October 5-6 months later- which whatever they're busy we were annoyed but not in a huge rush. The most frustrating part was the lack of not knowing. NO COMMUNICATION at all. Ok so liner day - 2 kids show up from Burlington a 2 hour drive to us- forget to bring enough vacuums to suck the liner- back to Burlington they go meanwhile liner is clipped in roasting in the sun. next day they are back- turn vacuums on and leave ask me to shut them off when I think its pulled tight enough. - ok? next day different crew shows up. cuts out jet holes jets are sitting right on the patio beside they pool didn't bother to screw them on for me. Meanwhile I"m calling and frantically trying to organize water trucks not knowing who is coming or going or when or how far to fill. absolutely no guidance whatsoever. so at this point the pool is full liner looks good, how far should we fill? not sure so googled it. have never had a pool before so the initial start up seemed intimidating I didn't want to break the pump or hurt anything to I call back? are you guys coming back and when? 3 days later I get a call back everything there is complete no one coming back. ok? I have no sign of coping that I paid for 6 months ago and I have no idea what I'm doing. Lady says for $360.00 more they will send someone to do a walk through orientation and teach me about my pool. At this point I'm scared to spend more money because everything seems to be going wrong so far. So I said no and my local chemical guy came and showed me everything I needed to know. Ok so pools running seems good.. November comes.. no call backs no coping.. Hire new company to winterize the pool and fit a new cover because I definitely don't trust these guys.. All winter send e-mails and call thinking best to get them at their slow season before it gets busy... never a call back or e-mail! Spring 2017- Edgil opens our pool and I reminded or the missing coping paid for a year ago. I drive to Brantford to force answers out of someone to be met with the same answers!!!! we are just sales. you have to deal with the service department out of Burlington.- 2 hours away and in my eyes Brantfod is where I paid for everything why should I have to go anywhere but there?? So I left with a number and a promise of a call back! NOTHING!!!!!! I have spent everyday for the last 4 months calling and e-mailing and I finally got a response yesterday.... I was told to e-mail a picture of the invoice so I did. next day I get an e-mail saying whoever came out to measure and quote made a mistake and you only paid for corner pieces of your coping not the entire circumference.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME they guy measured twice and gave us colour choices, the invoice says coping NOT corners for coping?? So her suggestion after all this frustration and patience and pulling my hair out - if I just pay another 2,000.00 they will come finish it.. or they will 3 hours take the corner pieces they put on and refund me what I paid for it a year and a half ago!!! I didn't even know they put new corner pieces on to be honest they looked worse than the old ones that were there. they didn't fit properly and there were sharp edges sticking out an inch past the cover. I was so upset that this was my only two options I said I needed to think about it. Today I get home from work- they let themselves through my gated backyard- and removed the covers from the four corners and now I'm left with very sharp very dangerous exposed metal corners and that's that!!!!!! I want my old covers back at the very least and as of this evening no money put back on my credit card either - will be awfully surprised if they do!!honestly do not deal with these people. We are heart broken- first house and first pool and it was a horrible horrible experience

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Company Response

Hi Katie, reaching out again - I believe this was all resolved and all issues were honoured at original pricing? If you could confirm with me if there is anything outstanding, otherwise I believe your original review can be updated. If there is anything still missing please contact me at