I got a contractor to replace all the baseboards in our home except I had no material for him yet! He said he could start the next day and he had a tight schedule and came recommended so I booked him and off to Home Depot I went with my 8 month old in tow. The window/mouldings department staff were extremely helpful and he was short staffed to boot! He helped me figure out what I needed (we also needed some wood for a pony wall cap) and gave me a discount on the baseboards becuase the size I wanted they did not have enough stock so I had to move down to a 5 inch baseboard instead of a 7 inch. He cut the boards and everything was ready a couple of hours later for pick-up. I was so shocked at such amazing service because it is a bit of a rare things. I go to that Home Depot ALOT, let's just say the ladies in the paint department recognize me ;)