

My husband and I booked a move with landmark in January for the month of March as we were hoping to be settled in our new home for April as we were expecting our baby at the end of the month. When we booked with Landmark I told our sales Rep Michelle that we would need our belongings no Later then the 2nd week of April as we had the baby coming. She told me that in order for this to happen they would need to pick our stuff March 15th. This was fine with us and we agreed. Our movers phoned and asked if they could come a day early, they were great, polite and took care of our stuff. I got a phone call March 30th from shipping saying our stuff was in Toronto and would be weighed the following day, at that time accounting would contact us with payment schedule. We were happy with this because as we were told by Michelle, shipment happens only 3 times a month the 1st, 13th and 25th of each month. So this was great our stuff would ship on the 1st and we would receive everything by the 14th as promised. Tracy in accounting contacted us the next day with our cost which was a bit more then what we were quoted, but that was ok. We paid right away and then all that was left was to wait. Tracy failed to send us the weigh scale ticket when she sent the total cost but we assumed it would be provided upon delivery as this is what we were told by Michelle. She stated it would be given to us by accounting or upon delivery, so we left it alone to see what would happen. On April 9th I phoned to follow up and ensure our stuff would be on time as I had to go for a doctors apt and we needed to prepare the babies room. When I phoned a very rude man answered the phone and said it had not departed Toronto yet and wouldn't until the 13th. I explained everything that happened and he said I was misinformed and that our shipment wasn't even in Toronto when we got that phone call on the 30th, but ensured our stuff would be here in Halifax by the 15th. On the 13th I phoned to see if our stuff shipped out, the same rude man answered the phone and said "NO the shipment was cancelled and wouldn't depart until the 25th and arrive on the 27th" with no other explanation. I immediately started crying as my due date was the 28th and explained this to him and he responded with "well as long as there's someone there to get your stuff if your in hospital." I couldn't believe my ears! I said is this a for sure like no more delays as I CAN'T come home to a house with no furniture and a new baby. This whole time I was emailed Michelle our sales rep with no response, after 4 emails my husband phoned customer service. We were put in contact with Courtney who told us that Michelle was on vacation and that the move was cancelled because the truck had mechanical issues and they were hoping to have it fixed by the end of the week and if not they would rent another truck. This lady was the ONLY person who I would consider professional at this company and the only one who apologized for our inconvenience. As a result of having no furniture and being ready to deliver our baby in two weeks we had to go buy a new bed and a couch as I was extremely uncomfortable and ready to go in labour. We received a phone call from Courtney on the 24th stating the truck would not be fixed but they were renting another truck and we would have our stuff by the 27th, we were thankful for this call as all the delays was causing me so much stress at such a late stage in my pregnancy. The 27th came and no stuff, no phone call. We waited until the 29th and finally called Courtney. She immediately got the movers to phone us and they told us they'd be here that same evening. FINALLY that night our stuff showed up! I can't thank John enough for his service. He was great at pick up and delivery, so we are thankful for him. Our stuff showed up undamaged BUT they were missing one box, that was estimated at around 200$. We submitted our claim online and waited to here back, but nothing. Phoned Courtney again and got upset, and again she came to the rescue and had claims contact us. In there response email they estimated the box at 40lbs and would pay us $50 bucks, because we didn't declare a value to the shipment. FYI we did declare a value at pick up and received a email from Michelle stating they don't offer that option anymore, everyone gets .60 cents a lb coverage, so this was confusing to us. During all this I emailed Tracy in accounting 4 times for the weigh scale ticket as it wasn't provided on delivery either, but NO response. Surprise surprise. We went back to poor Courtney again, who could tell my husband was MAD at this point. When we asked about Michelle and the no response, she told us she switched departments, she didn't know what to say about the scale ticket and she said she'd have someone in management contact us about the claim. Now we still have not heard from management, or Michelle. BUT my husband phoned and said he wanted to talk to Tracy, but said his name was John as we knew we would be avoided if we told them our real name. We were directly put through and she was shocked when she found out who she was talking to. When he asked what the hell was going on, she said " to be honest everything is backed up and I'm working on your ticket". They always have a answer for everything! In conclusion, it took 7 weeks to get a shipment from AB-NS, one lost box with a inappropriate refund, constant lack of communication. 8 weeks and still waiting for the actual scale ticket. Again we do want to praise Courtney as she is amazing, and they are lucky to have her. The company advertises "move without stress", this is very misleading, as the move was nothing but stress for my husband and I. I would never EVER recommend this company.

Approximate cost of services:
What could this company do to improve their services?
Any advice to offer fellow homeowners facing a similar project?
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