I solicited several written quotations and had multiple conversations prior to selecting a contractor to repair shingling the roof of my home and garage. I met with Cory Gardner of Golden West Exteriors personally on three occasions in addition to conversing by telephone during the process. I had a lot of questions and comparisons generated from all of my quotations. On our first meeting, Cory and I met for at least 30 minutes at my home to discuss some of my concerns and questions. When I finally settled on my choice of contractor, I met with Cory again at my home to address additional issues PRIOR to the start of the work. As I was at home over the time the work was carried out, I had the opportunity to observe his crew. I found them to be pleasant, professional, hard-working, and respectful of my concerns and requests. When the project was completed, I met with Cory once more to ensure that the final inspection was appropriate and completed to my satisfaction. Final issues raised at that meeting were appropriately addressed by Cory and his crew to complete the job. I greatly appreciated the time Cory took to address my concerns and meet with me, and I found him to be cordial and professional in his interactions.