

As a first-time buyer, I was very excited to find a house I loved. On the other hand, I was keenly aware of how little I knew, and how easily I could be taken advantage of. Our inspector from Kelk Inspections was so genuine in nature, and thorough in his task, it put me completely at ease. In addition to what I learned on site, he prepared an incredibly thorough report that really opened my eyes beyond what we were able to see / hear during the inspection. It enabled me to make an informed decision that I was comfortable with, and confident in. The work they put into it was clear. It was not a cookie-cutter fill-in-the-blank report, and I was very appreciative of the attention to detail that was provided. I feel they went beyond the expected standard for this type of job. A less detailed report, and I easily would have bought a money pit.

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Company Response

Thank you Diane, I am always happy to help!