

My wife and I went to purchase some flooring for our home we entered king of floors Surrey the staff was friendly and pleasant. Troy the Manager gave us what seemed to be sound advice. Our biggest worry was that our dogs wood scratch the wood. But Troy assured us several times that if we went with the higher grade wood it would be fine the dogs would not scratch the would. Needless to say after one week the dogs have destroyed the floor with scratches, we had there nails clipped used booties anything to stop this process. I went ino the store to confront troy with this and all he would say is I never said hardwood wont scratch over and over, I said yes but you said the dogs wouldn't scratch it , he just kept babbling the same thing I never said hard would wont scratch , then kicked me out of the store.

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Company Response

George from Surrey,

In response to your review of our store we just want to say that we are sorry that you are not happy. Troy has been with our company for 20+ years and has exceptional knowledge of the products and the durability of it. It is our policy to never advise a customer that wood will not scratch because of course being wood it will scratch. Dog’s nails are especially hard on wood but if a customer is considering putting a real wood product down we always suggest using a hand scraped or brushed product to hide these marks.

As for Troy kicking you out of the store, we had several witnesses (staff, owner and customers) at the store that witnessed you come at Troy in an aggressive, irate state, using profanity at the point of yelling. In order to avoid a physical assault and to avoid our other customers feeling threatened you were asked to leave. Our customers and staff safety are paramount to us.