First of all, it took a very long time to book the work to be done. The first time they showed up, they only had half the locates they needed, and didn't realize until they were on-site that some holes needed to be hand dug because of utilities. We had to reschedule that time and multiple several times due to equipment/miscellaneous issues.
When the posts were finally installed, the spacing was completely wrong even though we had staked the locations, and the fence panels we were going to be using were here. Two different people measured the panels, and asked what our post spacing was and it is still wrong. The spacing for one row of posts is 4" off and the spacing for the second row is almost a foot off. Worse still, we asked for 6' spacing and all the post spacings are completely different. Why would anyone think we'd want post spacings that were all completely different? Half of the lumber we bought to build the fence is now useless and can't be returned. We should get our money back for all the extra trouble we need to go through to put our fence up now and all the extra wood and materials we need to fix the problem.