

Davis builds a good fence. However, they need to be supervised closely every step of the way. My neighbor contracted with Davis. We had an abutting side fence, another neighbor an abutting side/back fence. You would think it would be straight forward to put the two corner posts on our property line in where the old ones were removed from and build a new fence, especially with a survey in hand. That didn't happen in our case. One corner post is 1.5 inches out of place. The other, was finally put in its proper place after strong push back from us, using the neighbors survey. It was originally 6 inches out of place, pushed our way. Initially, with our neighbor, we reluctantly agreed to a change in fence style and fence height to accommodate their wishes. The new dividing fence varies 1 to 4 inches higher than we agreed to. The I-beam is made of a 2 x 6 instead of a 2 x 4. Our mistake was we trusted Davis to build what we contracted for. I recommend home owners supervise Davis very closely and measure again and again. The neighbor with the abutting back fence did just that after our fence was erected. They got what they contracted for.

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