

Kings gate lost arbitration in my case Number 5428 in ODACC ( Ontario Dispute Adjudication for Construction Contracts) for missing money and bad management that accumulates to over $750,000. Kingsgate calls itself a builder and prides itself on being the top home builder company in the city however, they mislead their clients. On the ads the homeowner believes he's a builder however on the contract it clearly states he is only managing/supervising the property which is a big difference. The result of this is that the home owner cannot claim on Tarion because he does not register his projects on his insurance nor provides supporting documents of his insurance despite several attempts contacting his lawyers. I had trusted Kingsgate homes to build my dream home and was very excited as I was promised many deadlines which were not met so I had to make the difficult decision to terminate the company after 65% of the work was done which was because of poor work ethic, and mismanagement of materials and safety violations. Most of the time the owner is enjoying his time in Iran not caring about the jobs he has going on in Toronto. me and him currently we have an ongoing dispute being settled in court with amounts owing unto $2,000,000. His project located on Bayview and 16th was burned as well as the 2 neighbours that resided at their residence and had all their belongings burned due to the carelessness of Kingsgate homes.. This can be found on the news. Please reconsider doing business with this company they have lots of issues which they haven't been able to figure out themselves.

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Company Response

Dear Anthony,
At Kingsgate Luxury Homes, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction. Your review contains a number inaccurate statements and we would like to address some of the points you raised:
1. Legal Proceedings: Our dispute was initially addressed through ODACC proceedings, which are a summary process, and is now proceeding to court. Due to its summary nature, ODACC ultimately decided the process was not suitable for this case since there are voluminous records and dozens of witnesses.
2. Insurance and Tarion Registration: We are fully compliant with all necessary insurance and regulatory requirements, including Tarion registration, where required. In your case, Kingsgate was retained to act as your project manager and not the builder. You personally wanted to build the house for yourself and simply needed a site manager. As a result, Kingsgate was never obligated to register your house for Tarion or guarantee the work which was done by the contractors you directly hired and paid for.
We respect the judicial process and we hope to resolve these matters fairly through the proper procedures, which would allow all the facts to come out, and not through online reviews which you are using to post inaccurate information simply for the purpose of damaging our reputation. We are confident that once the facts are adjudicated, it will be shown that Kingsgate completed its obligations with the highest standard.